Generally speaking, Davis is very liberal. I think we have the most hybrids per capita in the country. Apparently though, on my street alone we have at least 2 of the 10 or so peeps voting Yes on 8 (the proposition that would ban gay marriage) and for McCain. (Yes, those last two statements are slight exaggerations.)
I've been counting signs on my street and I think we're up to about 50 on my block alone. Today, on my walk to vote, this is what I saw:
Here's my front yard. I really am a true Davisite; I have a political sign in my yard! If you look across the street, you can see that it's totally "the thing to do" here. (Also, there's a mattress...I'm not sure what's up with those neighbors. For weeks they had a ton of shit in their front yard. They have, like, 12 kids and even more bikes. And, they drive a 2-seater pick-up truck. Interesting.)
So, while living in a tiny college town has it's ups and downs, the fact that they are very politically active is a plus. However, I guess I'm only saying this because they lean in my direction. If it were the other way, I'd not be so satisfied, indeed.
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