Sunday, November 16, 2008

Go Green or Go Home (or go green, then go home)

I went to the Green Festival in SF this weekend with Suzy. It was great, until it got super crowded at which point I said, "yeah, I'm kinda over this." We were there for about 6 hours. I did an OK job with my effort to spend less money.

I bought some reusable produce bags (a pack of three sizes plus a mesh bag) from a place called Blue Lotus.

I also bought two rad stainless steel water bottles from a place called Earthlust, which has designs that I'd never seen before - one for me and one for Tim.

Finally, my favorite thing that I think I saw were these t-shirts from a place called We Add Up. It's an awesome idea. You buy a shirt and it has something that you have committed to do to help the earth. It has a number on it. That number corresponds to the number of people that have committed to helping our environment. The idea is that, together, we can make a difference. LOVED IT! I think this idea is pretty gen(ius).

If you are looking for gifts for the holidays, I highly recommend these companies! Other green companies that you should support can be found here.

The other thing that I took away from the Festival was the fact that the US government allows a lot more in the way of toxic chemicals than other countries. In particular, it's quite scary how much the cosmetic industry gets away with. I heard Mark Shapiro speak, and it was interesting. He has a book out about this and I hope to read it soon. Here's some info. We should all be really pissed and scared about this issue!

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