Monday, July 21, 2008

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! Yay California!

Hey Y'all,

This is my garden. Actually, it's more Tim's garden as he is the one that waters it every day. However, I eat the delicious goodness that comes from it.

We have:
many tomatoes (that something keeps eating, that bastard)
green beans (three colors!)
basil (oh-so-good with the tomatoes)
squash (that we never planted but is slowly taking over the entire garden)
cucumber (that have really been taken over by the green beans)
artichoke (that died, but is coming back and that the bugs are enjoying regularly these days)
strawberries (that are pretty much non-existent because of the crabgrass)
a few carrots
some leftover lettucey stuff (that didn't ever really grow into normal lettucey stuff, but instead grew these crazy spurts of leafy stocks)

We also have oh-so-amazing grapes!

And, since are somewhat demanding neighbor decided she wanted to cut some trees down, we started an herb garden in their place.

It doesn't compare to our tiny banister potter on the back porch of the condo in Chicago, but it will have to do.

Come and enjoy the fruits of our (i.e. Tim's) labor.