Sunday, September 19, 2010

(The Exotic) Yolo Causeway

Turkey and I went for a walk this morning on the causeway. This is the wetlands(ish) area between Davis and Sacramento. During migration season, there are tons of birds on the side we can't walk with Turkey off-leash. There are also rice fields nearby (which always makes me wonder how much poop ends up in our rice). Although the freeway/bridge runs through the area, it's still purty. Every time I drive over the causeway, I'm blown away by how beautiful something right off the freeway can be. And, having the freeway as part of "nature" brings me back to all the "nature" in the Chicago area.

I played around a bit with my exposures today. That top photo, which is super exposed, kinda looks like a watercolor or lithograph to me. I donno, I like it! The bottom one of Turkey had the shutter speed a bit to slow; I was trying to catch him in action. I thought it was still kinda funny and cool.

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