Saturday, December 5, 2009
NOLA for fun!
I'm considering a large purchase of a very nice camera. Suggestions?
NOLA was way fun. Great city, but I wouldn't want to live there for an extended period of time.
Next up? Death Valley National Park most likely. After that?
Oh, also, I decided to separate my travels from my thrift store finds. You can find my new blog at
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Mixed Bag
Seattle was great (minus the noises I heard coming from my neighbor at the hotel - that was gross).I went to an amazing conference, got to travel to Port Hadlock via ferry and meet with some cool people from a potential sponsoring organization, and do service with the AmeriCorps State Program Office on 9/11.
I consider the timing of this shot with the sailboat quite perfect:)
Near Port Hadlock - not bad! Port Hadlock was actually slated to be the port for Washington, not Seattle. So, there are a lot of really awesome old buildings downtown. It's cute. It's small. I went to the co-op there. It's a pretty hippie place - kinda like a Davis without the university. It was at the co-op that I heard a 5 year old being asked if he was drinking carrot juice and he proudly responded, "carrot and BEETS!" Only in a place like Davis would this happen.
This is the sustainable farm the team would work at - pretty!
Now, on to my thrift store finds...
No planned trips right now, except for maybe New Orleans for Thanksgiving. Tim and I have also been thinking about heading to Monterey to check out the aquarium. I haven't been there for years. Any other suggestions?
Monday, September 28, 2009
16-year-old Derrion Albert Beaten to Death in a Mob of Children
Saturday, September 26, 2009
According to police, 16-year-old Derrion Albert was an innocent victim who was dragged into a mob of teens fighting on Chicago’s South Side.
The news comes from WLS-TV, ABC 7 in Chicago:
Authorities say 16-year-old Derrion Albert was walking from school in broad daylight when he was beaten to death.
It happened on Thursday in Chicago’s Roseland community on the far South Side in the 300-block of West 111th Street.
According to authorities, Derrion Albert was kicked, punched and beaten to death by several teens near the Agape Community Center.
Police say about a dozen teens were in a massive fight with sticks around 2:30 p.m. Albert got dragged into the mob.
Albert was taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn and pronounced dead around 6:30 p.m. Thursday.
Witnesses say the fight that Albert appeared to have walked into was between mostly students from his school, Fenger High, identified by the uniforms they wore.
"These were kids beating kids," said Milton Massie, director, Agape Community Center.
Police are studying video from outside the Agape Community Center. One witness said she saw kids go in after Albert with two-by-fours:
"It looked like 100 kids. We’re talking about kids all over the place, in every direction…On the video, there were kids hopping over cars. The kids had huge sticks. They were going after each other. It seemed as if it was not so much a targeted, but it was random," said Massie.
"Everyone was just letting him get beat…it was basically like he was really by himself," said Tynesha Jackson, witness.
"He was down and they started kicking him. Then I saw they had, like two-by-fours, that’s when we realized that someone need to do something," said Linda Cotton, Agape Community Center.
The center employees pulled Albert’s beaten body to safety.
"He would gasp for a breath a few times but he was unconscious and lying there," said Cotton.
But it was too late.
According to his grandfather who raised him, Albert attended Bible class on Tuesday evenings and church on Sunday.
Our children did this.
We need to pray about this one, and for Derrion Albert and his familySunday, September 20, 2009
The New Hood
So there's this church down the street (actually, there are about 10 that surround the park near our house) that has a stand that sells fruit every Sunday. Yum. There's also this place called Osaka Ya that sells handmade mochi. They also have a window that you can buy Hawaiian style snowcones out of (ice cream in the bottom!). Our favorite new coffee place is Naked Coffee Lounge. They have this drink called the Kerouac - four shots of espresso and cold (but no ice). Yum-OOO. There's also this event call Chalk It Up that was pretty cool. Here's some pictures from the new hood:
Next up: My recent trip to Seattle and more thrift store finds!
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Dirty, Fried South
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
SF and Thrift Stores = Happiness
So, this past week I went to SF for a training. It was called "Managing your emotions in stressful situations." After I signed up, this overwhelming fear came over me that it would be me and a bunch of ladies sitting around in a room crying. Then, when I got there, there was a bunch men. So, I thought, "Crap, it's gonna be a bunch of angry dudes and a bunch of crying ladies." (Yeah, you can say something here about me and my gender stereotypes, that's fine.) Luckily, it wasn't, but it still wasn't that great. However, the clam chowder in a bread bowl was. These photos I took from lunch on Pier 39.
I also found a couple of cool things at a recent trip to a thrift store where I spent a total of $16.00. The fabric I'm gonna use to make curtains for the kitchen in our new place. It's all open and I don't like to see clutter. Plus, how could I pass up this awesome vintage fabric for $6.00?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Today is the anniversary of my mom's passing. Her favorite flower was the Iris. I remember she would go to my godmother's garden to collect bunches of flowers and bulbs to plan in our yard. Her hope was to surrounding herself with just some of the beauty from my godmother's field of iris.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
MT, WY, and OR, oh my.
Billings is actually pretty cool. They also have awesome antique shops that I may have wondered into during my search for lunch. I'll post my finds later maybe.
Now, on to Oregon...
We went to Portland for my birthday. I liked it a lot. I mean, I could probably live there. But, there's this weird vibe going on (yep, that's twice I used that word, but I can't think of an y other way to describe it. Plus, I live in California now, so you know... I actually don't think I even used that word while living in Chicago except to make fun on Californians.) There were a lot of sorta grungy peeps playing guitars randomly all over the place. It also seemed like people just sorta hang out and work a little at places like Voodoo Doughnuts and coffee shops so they can afford more tattoos. People didn't seem especially happy and there were quite a few disgruntled drivers that likes their horns. I donno... I'll need to go again to double check. Great food, though!
We stayed at an awesome hotel, Hotel Modera. They upgraded us to a suite and left us a bottle of wine on our room. It was so awesome! We also went to the farmer's market, ate at Andina, walked around the Alberta Arts District, drank Stumptown Coffee, ate Voodoo Doughnuts and cupcakes, went to the Chinese Garden, drank Rouge beer, and walked a lot (we didn't rent a car).