A couple weekends ago, we headed down to Monterey. Actually, I guess it was Valentine's weekend, but we didn't really realize this until we planned it all. We found a super cheap hotel about 1/2 hour away in Salinas that was having a winter special. It was $35.00/night. It was terrible. So bad, Tim wouldn't even shower. Now, granted he has a thing with showers, but still...
The first day we got there, we had some time so we found a couple thrift stores. Check it out on my other blog for deets on that.
It was my first time using my new fancy camera.
Highs: the aquarium, seeing a baby seal born right on the beach (photo below of baby and mama touching noses), and eating at a delicious fish restaurant.
Low: seeing the baby seal, about 2 minutes after being born, get taken out to sea by a wave.