Billings is actually pretty cool. They also have awesome antique shops that I may have wondered into during my search for lunch. I'll post my finds later maybe.
Now, on to Oregon...
We went to Portland for my birthday. I liked it a lot. I mean, I could probably live there. But, there's this weird vibe going on (yep, that's twice I used that word, but I can't think of an y other way to describe it. Plus, I live in California now, so you know... I actually don't think I even used that word while living in Chicago except to make fun on Californians.) There were a lot of sorta grungy peeps playing guitars randomly all over the place. It also seemed like people just sorta hang out and work a little at places like Voodoo Doughnuts and coffee shops so they can afford more tattoos. People didn't seem especially happy and there were quite a few disgruntled drivers that likes their horns. I donno... I'll need to go again to double check. Great food, though!
We stayed at an awesome hotel, Hotel Modera. They upgraded us to a suite and left us a bottle of wine on our room. It was so awesome! We also went to the farmer's market, ate at Andina, walked around the Alberta Arts District, drank Stumptown Coffee, ate Voodoo Doughnuts and cupcakes, went to the Chinese Garden, drank Rouge beer, and walked a lot (we didn't rent a car).