My fabulous friend Suzy and I ventured into Costa Rica on December 5th. Here are some highlights and pictures (I don't know how to format pictures, so they look really messy...if you know how, tell me!!! Suzy, I'm talking to you!):
- Arrival to airport, flight canceled, mean lady that wanted to send us on two different flights. Suzy told her NO! We traveled to Newark, then North Carolina (somewhere), THEN San Jose, about 2o hours later...ARRIVAL to destination
- Arrival to San Jose, picked up by a nice man and his very adorable daughter. Drove 4-5 hours to the jungle near Puerto Viejo (near the border of Panama), stopped at some open-air (everything is open air in the jungle) eatery on the side of the road, Began the many days of eating rice
- Arrival to Samasati (the name of the place we stayed), toilet broken, walked through the dark jungle and found a guy to help us, who called another guy who helped us, re-learn Spanish quickly
- Yoga, eat delicious food, go on an adventure trip (can anyone say SHAMAN tour?), eat, yoga, eat, avoid mange on dogs, see monkeys and SLOTHS!
- Panic of being lost and then being eaten by the beast of the jungle, sweat, sweat, so much sweat...DON'T BRING JEANS TO THE JUNGLE (unless you'r gonna ride a horse)
- San Jose, amazing cheap markets, sketchy at night, festival of lights (the biggest light festival in Costa Rica just happened to be on the night we were staying there), many people throwing confetti (a.k.a. "snow), especially in Suzy's face, not real nice, but fun hats!
- plane ride home: San Jose to Phoenix, Phoenix to SFO
- Tim surprises me at the airport! Yay, I don't have to drive home
- Back to work, booooooo
Our veranda with hammock!
Adventure tours: shaman tour, waterfall trek (we swam under a huge one); zip line canopy tour, horse ride on the beach (ouch!)
View from Samasati (that's the ocean in the background); meat at the San Jose market
street market: yelling and Santa; the start of the festival of lights/youth marching band
sweaty pig; we made chocolate from scratch; San Jose